Wednesday, October 16

Cheap is expensive…

Most people think that the way to determine whether something is cheap or expensive is to look at the price, comparing the price of one offering with a similar offering, skimming over the detail and in a lot of cases completely missing the unspoken value. Now granted trying to see ‘unspoken’ value is difficult and in a lot of cases, this is only seen once you have been ‘burnt’ by bad customer experience.

Our customer support team at Buddy sees this on a regular basis usually in the form of;

“Your competitor is X percentage cheaper… match them or I will go to them”

And we get it, why pay more for something when you can get it for less… but the reality of it is most people look at the price, skip the detail and view all insurance as the same, and this is when short-term savings, often increase long-term costs.

Without going into to much detail there are a few things we believe that are worth paying for… such as straight-talking advice without the insurance industry jargon that often confuses and leaves you unsure/worried about whether or not you have purchased the best policy for you and your family – to put it bluntly, we cut the crap out and give you advice on what makes sense for your particular situation, no one size fits all and certainly no advice we wouldn’t give to our own friends and family. (Our customer support team is rewarded on positive customer sentiment, not the number of policies sold!)

We are a digital insurer, it is important for me to state this as we are open 24/7 generating amazing policies and selling, therefore it is only fair that our customer support is 24/7 – if you want to buy at 3 am and have a question, not a problem we are online to answer and help you out (and the same goes for making a claim). So many of our competitors will happily take your money 24/7 but good luck communicating with anyone outside of the normal 9-5 working hours.

My final point as to seeing the unspoken value to avoid the ‘cheap is expensive’ reality, is to really think about what suffers when a race to the bottom ensues? We all want to believe that is cheap is actually good value, we all want these good deals and we certainly do not want to be ripped off. This is why we created Buddy to deliver exceptional cover at a fair market price. If you want cheap go for it there are plenty of operators on the market who can help you find a home for your money… if you want peace of mind especially on the day you need to rely on your insurance…well I know which policy I would rather be referencing.